Arts contemplatifs
Happening sensoriel et poétique
A travers une suite d’exercices guidés nous explorerons le travail de Cécile Daimez ainsi que votre propre créativité et nous terminerons par un happening collectif. Etat d’esprit proposé : se dé-tendre, ralentir, désapprendre,…
« Improvisation on the edge : notes from on and off stage »
Dancer Ruth Zaporah has created Action Theater, a form influenced by Zen which explores physical improvisation and interaction.  “These tales invigorate and inspire like a cup of strong black coffee. Ruth weaves…
« Coming from nothing : the sacred art of acting »
by Lee Worley CONTEMPLATIVE THEATRE AN OXYMORON ? To contemplate means to think deeply, to follow a thought, an image, or a life with attention and awareness. We associate the world contemplative with…